The waiting game

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Getting there… and by “there” I mean getting back to work. I got some brake work done… more to do of course. The name of the game now is “Waiting For Parts”…waiting for ZN parts…waiting for Victory parts…waiting and waiting. … Continued

Painting brake calipers

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As the ZN moves closer to completion and takes shape, my focus changes a little bit. It shifts from things that are mechanical in nature to things that affect the design or how the bike will look. Granted, the bike’s … Continued

First steps to getting an old bike on the road

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The bike’s been home three weeks now, and in between snowstorms here in the Northeast, I’ve been working towards the first major milestone: Will it turn over and will it start? Here’s a list of what I’ve done so far. … Continued

Finding parts for old motorcycles

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So, one of the first questions someone encounters when embarking on a bobber project is…how do I find parts for this old bike? Thanks to the depth and breadth of the internet, the answer is not as hard as you … Continued